is run to obtain keys .
Adversary is given and oracle access to that it can query as often as it wants.
At any point during the experiment, outputs a message .
A uniform challenge is chosen and given to , who responds with some .
may continue to query even after receiving .
Adversary succeeds and the experiment evaluates to if and only if .
Definition. An Identification scheme is secure against a passive attack, or just secure, if for all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries , there exists a negligible function such that:
: On input , run to obtain .
The public key specifies a set of challenges .
As part of key generation, a function is specified.
: On input a private key and a message .
: On input a public key , a message , and a signature ,
compute . Output if and only if .
: On input , run to obtain ,
Choose uniform , and set .
The public key is and private key is .
As part of key generation, a function is specified.
: On input a private key and a message ,
Choose uniform , and set . Compute , and .
Output the signature as .
: On input a public key , a message , and a signature , compute . Output if and only if .
— Apr 18, 2023
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