Private-Key Encryption offers the following solution:
Alice and Bob first establish a secret random key over a Secure channel.
Alice encrypts the message (plaintext) using the key to obtain a ciphertext .
Alice sends the ciphertext over the Insecure channel.
Bob decrypts the ciphertext using the key to decipher the message .
Private-Key Encryption offers a solution:
Before time Bob generates a private key .
At time Bob encrypts his data using the key and stores the resulting ciphertext in his laptop at .
At time Bob decrypts the ciphertext using the key to recover the data .
Correctness: For all plaintexts , and keys output by , it must hold that
Mono-alphabetic substitution cipher satisfies the Sufficient Key Space principle:
Any secure encryption scheme must have a key space that is sufficiently large to make an exhaustive-search attack infeasible.
Ciphertext-only attack.
Adversary observes one or more ciphertexts and attempts to obtain information about underlying plaintexts.
Known-plaintext attack.
Adversary is able to learn one or more plaintext/ciphertext m/c pairs generated using some key, i.e., , , etc.
Adversary wants to gain information about underlying plaintext of some other ciphertext produced using the same key.
Chosen-plaintext attack (CPA).
Adversary can obtain plaintext/ciphertext pairs for plaintexts chosen by the adversary, i.e., for chosen by Eve.
Chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA).
Adversary can obtain decryption of ciphertexts of her choice. i.e., for chosen by Eve.
The distribution over is obtained by using to choose key k ∈ 𝒦 and message according to the message distribution and then computing using the algorithm.
In general, we have the following useful formulae:
— Feb 1, 2023
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